
In some cases, your teeth may need additional care beyond what over-the-counter toothpastes can provide. If you struggle with tooth decay, have a crown or bridge, or are undergoing orthodontic treatment, talk to our dentist. We carry Prevident 5000 Plus™ toothpaste in Shrewsbury, New Jersey.

Prevident is available as a paste or a liquid gel. You use it just as you do your normal toothpaste and should brush with it at least twice a day for two minutes. It is not abrasive, contains extra fluoride to help prevent cavities and root caries, and may be able to remineralize your teeth very quickly. Prevident also improves the pH balance in your smile to help your teeth absorb the fluoride. It can also be useful for removing white lesions from tooth surfaces and calcium buildup around orthodontic work. Normally it is used once a day in place of your normal toothpaste. Prevident 5000 plus is available by prescription from our dentist and is not recommended for patients under 6 years of age.

To learn more, follow  this link or call 732-741-5533 to schedule a visit with Dr. Christopher Di Turi.


New smiles are welcome!